
Wastewater Solutions

Specialised Wastewater Services

At SRP Plumbing Gas & Wastewater, we understand the unique wastewater requirements of rural and acreage properties in Goulburn, NSW. We provide specialised services to ensure your system runs efficiently and safely so you can enjoy a hassle-free experience on your property. Our experienced plumbers are licensed to handle installations, repairs, and maintenance for septic tanks and aerated treatment systems.

Dos and Don’ts for Septic and Aerated Wastewater Treatment Systems


  • Conserve water to limit the amount that goes into the tank.
  • Use only bio-degradable detergents in the laundry and kitchen.
  • Try to spread wash loads over different days.
  • Try to avoid using the washing machine and shower at the same time. 
  • Front loader washing machines reduce water usage. 
  • Have your AWTS serviced every 3 months.
  • Pump out your septic tank every three to five years.


  • Do not use harsh cleaners such as bleach and anti-bacterial products. 
  • Do not pour leftover solutions, acrylic paints etc directly down the drain. 
  • Do not dispose of condoms, sanitary products, dental floss, disposable diapers, kitty litter, facial tissue, paper towel, baby wipes or cigarettes down the toilet or house drains
  • Do not put products such as hair dye, Napisan, Domestos, metho, turps or excess fats into the system.
  • Never put cooking oils or grease down the kitchen sink and avoid excess solids like food scraps and coffee grounds going down.
  • Do not build or pave on or near a septic tank or field lines.
  • Never park or drive on your irrigation field.
  • Never turn the system off, even when away on holidays.

Septic Tank Installation and Maintenance Services

At SRP Plumbing, Gas & Wastewater, we provide comprehensive Septic & AWTS services. Our experienced team can expertly supply and install tanks to meet the specific requirements for rural or acreage properties. 

Aerated Wastewater Tank Services

SRP Plumbing, Gas & Wastewater offers an alternative to traditional septic tanks with aerated wastewater systems (AWTS). This state-of-the-art system requires just a few simple maintenance steps every three months and is perfect for reducing both waste and its environmental impact. By utilising an AWTS, gardeners can benefit from the use of their wastewater as irrigation.

What to Do if You Need These Tanks

Give us a call!

And we can discuss your installation requirements.

Call Us Today

Specialised Wastewater Services for Rural and Acreage Properties

At SRP Plumbing, Gas & Wastewater we are ready to help you with wastewater services for your rural or acreage property. Don't stress about the challenges of these systems, we are able to provide a comprehensive solution tailored specifically to meet your needs. You can have peace of mind knowing that our experienced team will deliver top-notch results and use only quality products in the process! 

High-quality solutions to ensure the smooth operation of your wastewater systems.

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